《生活大爆炸第四季》中Leonard和Penny分手后,決定繼續(xù)做普通朋友。與此同時,經(jīng)過幾個月的短信交流,Sheldon終于決定和神經(jīng)生物學家Amy約會,這可是他人生中的首次約會。和他堪稱絕配的 Amy,最終是否能成為他的女朋友?Penny對“謝米戀”大感興趣,卻發(fā)現(xiàn)自己成了尷尬的電燈泡。本季中,Howard的女友Bernadette也將回歸,而他的好基友Raj還停留在不能和女人正常交流的階段。
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So I knocked down the bathroom door, picked up my poor unconscious mother, carried her to the car, and drove like a madman to the emergency room.
于是我撞開了洗手間的門 抬起我那不省人事的母親 把她抱上車 然后像個瘋子一樣開來了急診室
You're a real hero, Howard.
你真是個英雄 霍華德
No, I did what any son would do.
不 我只是盡了一個兒子應盡的義務而已
Hang on a second — you picked up your mother? Her own legs are barely able to do that.
等一下 你抱起了你母親 她的體重連她自己的雙腿都支撐不住
I was filled with adrenaline. It happens to be how women lift cars off babies.
都是腎上腺素的作用 就像是母親為了救出車下的嬰兒 可以把車抬起來一樣
Yeah, I'm saying, it'd be easier to lift a car.
我就是這個意思 抬車都比抬你媽容易
What can I tell you? After I found the courage to put her pants back on, I was unstoppable.
怎么說呢 在我鼓足了勇氣提上她的褲子之后 人類就阻擋不了我了
So, how is she?
They're running tests—I don't know. It may have been a heart attack or heart-attack-like event.
還在作檢查 我不知道 可能是心臟病發(fā)作或類似心臟病發(fā)作
What's the difference?
A heart-attack-like event is an event that's like a heart attack.
Thanks for clearing that up.
Regardless, coronary problems are eminently treatable.What's more likely going to kill Howard's mother are the antibiotic-resistant super-bugs festering in every nook and cranny of this hospital.
當然 冠狀心臟疾患是可治的 真正害死霍華德媽媽的是在這醫(yī)院每條溝溝壑壑里潰爛著的耐抗生素的超級臭蟲們
Okay, you're not helping.
拜托 你別添亂了
Go sit over there.
去 那邊坐著去
I'll sit over there—it looks cleaner.
我要坐那里 看著更干凈
Is there a history of heart disease in your family?
My family is the history of heart disease. There's a cave painting in France of one of my ancestors doing this.
我的家族史 整個就是一心臟病史 法國有處洞穴壁畫 畫的就是我一老祖宗在這樣
So it's probably genetic.
Well, maybe. Mom also had just gotten some news that might have upset her.
可能吧 媽媽還聽到了些可能讓她心煩的消息
What? It's not important.
什么 這不重要
Come on, Howard, I'm going to be your wife. You can share anything with me.
說吧 霍華德 我將是你妻子 你可以跟我分享任何事
You'd think that. But no.
你這么想 但并不是的
You told her we were going to get married and she had a heart attack?
你告訴她我們要結婚 然后她就心臟病發(fā)作了嗎
You can't take that personally.
How else is she supposed to take it?
What you've got to keep in mind is that ever since my dad left, I've been the whole world to my mother.I mean, she'd be threatened by any woman who can give me what she can't.
你只要記住的是 我爸去世后 我就是我媽媽的整個世界 她會覺得其他能做到她所不能的任何女人 都是威脅
You mean sexual intercourse? Well, when you say it like that you make it sound creepy.
你是指性愛 你這么一說 就顯得怪怪的
What happened? Howard's mother had a heart attack because I have sex with him and she can't.
怎么了 霍華德媽媽心臟病發(fā)作 是因為我跟他上床 而她自己不能
Bernie, wait! I'll give you $1,000 if you'll drive me home.
妮妮 等等 你載我回家 我就給你一千塊
Nice of you to come for Howard.
Well, he's my friend. It's what you do.
他是我朋友嘛 應該的
I'm sorry, did I miss something?
抱歉 怎么了
It's just so weird. Howard Wolowitz is my friend. You know, once he tried to stick his tongue down my throat and I broke his nose.
只是覺得怪怪的 霍華德·沃羅威茨是我朋友 有次他想深吻我 被我打破了鼻子
That's a little easier to believe than he's your friend.
Yeah, tell me about it.
是啊 誰說不是呢
You know, my brother had a group of friends like this in India. They dressed up in leotards and goggles and called themselves the New Delhi Power Rangers.
我哥在印度有一大群像他一樣的朋友 都穿緊身連衣褲戴護目鏡并自稱“新德里恐龍戰(zhàn)隊”
You mean when he was little.
Not as little as you'd want him to be.
You know, this stuff is horrible. You want to see if we can find the cafeteria and get real coffee? Sure.
這咖啡太難喝了 想去找看看有沒餐廳 買杯好咖啡嗎 當然
We're going to the cafeteria to get some coffee. You want anything?
我們要去餐廳買咖啡 有人要嗎
I'm fine.
That's nice that they're getting along.
Your girlfriend and your ex-girlfriend are hanging out together? Oh, yeah, that can only be good for you.
你現(xiàn)任和前任女友一起玩 沒錯 對你來說只可能是好事
What are you talking about?
One of them broke up with you. Do you really want her telling the other one why?
其中一位跟你分手了 你真想她告訴另一位為什么嗎
I don't care. I don't have anything to hide.
無所謂 我又沒什么藏著掖著
Good, good. Then you have nothing to worry about.
很好 很好 那你就沒什么好擔心的了
No, I do not. You are a mean little man.
對 我一點不擔心 你這個卑鄙小人
You'd think it'd be because my parents didn't love me, but actually they loved me a great deal.
你這么以為是因為我父母并不愛我 但事實上他們非常愛我
Bernie, it's not you. She's just set in her ways.
妮妮 絕不是因為你 那只是她自以為是
How can we be together if the thought of us getting married might kill your mother?
那我們還怎么能在一起 如果我們結婚可能會害死你媽啊
It's the circle of life, sweetie. One day our son will marry someone and it will kill you.
這就是生命的輪回啊 親愛的 未來有天我們兒子結婚 會害死你
Howard, I have to go to the bathroom and no one will take me home.
霍華德 我得上洗手間 但沒人肯載我回家
What's wrong with the bathroom here?
Pneumococcus, streptococcus, staphylococcus and other assorted coccuses.
這里有肺炎球菌 鏈球菌 葡萄球菌和其他各種球菌
Sheldon, my mother is on her deathbed and my fiance is grief-stricken over putting her there. I'm not taking you home.
謝爾頓 我媽生命垂危 而我未婚妻正極度悲傷于害她入院 我才不要載你回家
Will you at least go with me to the restroom here, so you can open the door and flush the urinal?
那你至少能陪我去廁所嗎 好幫我開個門 沖個尿池
This might be a good time to point out, Howard, that friendship requires a certain give and take.
現(xiàn)在或許是指出真理的最佳時期 霍華德 友情在一定程度上是需要相互忍讓的
Hold the door. Mr. Wolowitz? Is she okay?
先別關門 沃羅威茨先生 她還好嗎
It wasn't a heart attack. She's awake, she's resting comfortably—we're still running tests.
您母親不是心臟病突發(fā) 她現(xiàn)在醒了 在安穩(wěn)地休息呢 我們還在為她做身體檢查
Can I see her?
Actually, she said, and I quote, she'd "like to see the little Catholic girl first."
其實她有吩咐 原話是這樣的 她想“先見那個天主教的小妞”
Me? Why me?
我 為什么是我
Jews have been asking that for centuries. There's no real good answer.
這個問題猶太人捫心自問了好幾個世紀了 至今沒什么好答案
Okay, well, wish me luck.
好吧 祝我好運
Don't worry, you'll be fine. Let's just hide Mr. Cross. If it touches her, it burns.
別擔心 沒事的 先把十字架藏起來 如果那玩意兒碰到她 會燒傷的
You brought a Catholic girl home to your mother? Yeah.
你帶一個天主教的女孩回家見你媽 是的(在猶太人遭受的千年大迫害中 十字軍東征曾掀起迫害猶太人的高潮)
Why don't I write you a prescription for Xanax.
Finally.Oh, what fresh hell is this?
總是完事了 這又是哪門子新玩意兒
Wait, you can't leave here, you've been exposed.
等等 你不能離開這兒 你已經(jīng)被感染了
No, I haven't. It's all good.
不 我沒有 防護措施做得很好
You want to talk about crazy mothers, Leonard's mom wouldn't give him any sort of approval growing up.
你想聊極品老媽這個話題嗎 萊納德的媽媽對他沒表示過半點的認可
Oh, the poor thing. It makes him desperate to please women. That's why the foreplay goes on and on.
可憐的小家伙 所以他才會這么渴望取悅女人 也正是他的小前戲耍不停的原因
It does, doesn't it? It's like he's trying to win a prize.
的確 對吧 他好像為了要獲得獎勵一樣
A word of advice—don't doze off. You will never hear the end of it.
佩妮貼心小建議 千萬不要打瞌睡 不然你都聽不見何時結束
Help me! Come back! Penny!
救我 回來 佩妮
There are a couple of things I did with Penny that might be a little silly, but... Like what?
我跟佩妮一起做過一些事 聽上去可能有點傻 但是... 比如
Every once in a while, before we'd go to bed, I'd put on a little show for her.
偶爾 在我們上床前 我會為她表演點小節(jié)目
What do you mean "a show"?
Well, you know, the way I took my clothes off.
這個嘛 就是我脫衣服的方式
Like, to music?
I'd look pretty stupid if there was no music.
如果沒音樂 那我看起來不很傻啊
So you'd do a striptease?
I wasn't swinging around a pole.
Good, good.
不錯 不錯
There was one time I put body glitter on.
Well, I don't think you have to worry about Penny telling my sister that.
No, she wouldn't.
對 她不會說的
Your big problem is me telling her.
You really are a mean little man.
Oh, God, that's so true.
天啊 的確如此
Yeah, I know, right?
的確 我懂 對吧
Hey, what took you guys so long?
Oh, we were just chatting.
That's nice. What about?
不錯嘛 聊什么了
We were just comparing notes about how you are in the sack.
That's funny. Yeah. What if she wasn't kidding?
真有趣 就是 如果她不是在開玩笑呢
It doesn't matter. I'm the king of foreplay.
沒關系 哥可是前戲小王子
Hey, how'd it go?
You're a putz. You know what that means?
你個2B 你知道這是什么意思嗎
Yeah. Do you?
知道 你呢
Your mother just taught it to me.She thinks she got food poisoning from that deli and she just wanted to make sure I was okay.
你媽剛教我的 她覺得她在那家餐廳食物中毒了 想確認下我是否沒事
And are you?
No, because I'm engaged to a putz.You let me believe I was the reason she had a heart attack.
有 因為我跟個2B訂婚了 你讓我誤信她心臟病發(fā)是因為我
Well, based on the available evid—
Shut up! She said I'm a wonderful girl and that you're lucky to have me.
閉嘴 你媽說我是個好女孩 能娶到我是你的福氣
Where are you going?
To the toilet! Is that okay with you?!
廁所 你有意見啊
Is it just me, or does she sound sexy when she's angry?
是我的錯覺 還是她生氣的時候 聲音是特別性感啊
Mountain Elf.
He takes the elf from off the shelf.
這精靈不是高山的 是現(xiàn)成的
Hell Hounds.
Hell Hounds—who let the Satanic dogs out? Who? Who-who?
地獄獵犬啊 誰把撒旦的狗放出來了 是誰 誰 誰
Colossal Serpent.
I got a colossal serpent right here.
Must you?
Sorry, I'm just trying to cheer my buddy up.
抱歉 我只是想讓你高興點
Rotting Zombie. Sheldon's new Facebook photo.
腐朽僵尸 謝爾頓校內(nèi)新頭像
Zandor, Wizard of the North. Ha! I win.
贊多 北方巫師 哈哈 我贏了
If you skip the part about being under a two-week quarantine because you were exposed to a deadly disease, absolutely.
如果硬要省略掉你因為接觸到致命疾病而被隔離兩周這件事 我們甘拜下風
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