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> 影視聽說 > 美劇推薦 > 吸血鬼日記第四季中英文字幕 >  第15篇





   My name is Elena Gilbert. 我是埃琳娜·吉爾伯特
  I'm a new vampire1, and there have been complications. 我是新生吸血鬼,情況有些復(fù)雜
  I know that I'm sired to you, Damon. 我知道我對你認祖歸忠了,達蒙
  You know what would make me happy? 你知道什么會讓我開心嗎
  That what you actually felt for me was real. 就是你對我的感情是真的
  But there's hope now. 但現(xiàn)在有了希望
  Jeremy's tattoo2 leads to a cure. 杰里米的紋身能指向治愈方法
  If you kill Klaus's brother Kol, 如果你殺死克勞斯的弟弟科爾
  his entire sire line will die with them. 他的所有吸血鬼后裔都會死
  I was gonna make him suffer on my terms! 我是要用我的方法折磨他
  Unlikely alliances have formed. 各路人馬,爭相搶奪
  Finding the cure could come at a price. 要找到治愈方法是有代價的
  He's the world's first immortal3 being, 他是世界上第一個長生不死之人
  who just happens to be the person with the cure. 恰巧和治愈方法一同被封印了
  I want to free him. 我想把他放出來
  But we finanlly have everything we need. 我們終于拿到了所需要的一切
  Here we go. 好戲開始了
  Congratulations. 恭喜
  We made it. 我們成功了
  They couldn't have hidden this cure in Hawaii? 就不能把治愈方法藏在夏威夷嗎
  Where the hell did you take us? 你這是把我們帶到哪來了
  200 miles off the Nova Scotia mainland. 新斯科舍大陸兩百英里外
  If you recall, the whole point was to hide the cure 如果你還記得,本意就是要把治愈方法
  on the world's most obscure, desolate4 island. 藏在最隱蔽,荒無人煙的地方
  Oh, yeah? I thought the whole point 是嗎,我以為本意是
  was that no one found Silas, 不要讓人找到賽拉斯
  The oldest, deadliest freak in the world. 這世上最老死得最久的怪胎
  Yeah, that too. 是啊
  Sunscreen? 防曬霜
  Is that a joke? 你早搞笑嗎
  You're right. 是啊
  You know your not really helping5. 你這樣沒用的(你沒幫忙)
  You're perfectly6 capable of tying a knot. 系個繩子你綽綽有余
  Your giving Elena the evil eye it's not really helping. 我是說你瞪著埃琳娜,沒用的
  She killed my brother, 她殺了我哥哥
  tried to get you to put a dagger7 in my back. 還想讓你用匕首封住我
  She's lucky all she's getting is the evil eye. 我只是瞪著她算她走運了
  You know I can hear you, right? 你知道我能聽得到吧
  You know I don't care, right? 你知道我不在乎吧
  Go ahead. Try and kill me. 來啊,殺我啊
  But then you'd have to face your real problems 但你就得面對真正的問題了
  like the fact that Stefan invited me here himself. 比如是斯特凡邀我來的
  I guess he likes me again. 大概他又喜歡我了
  Looks like someone forgot her teambuilding exercises. 看來有人忘記要跟隊友相親相愛了
  I'm not apologizing for not wanting her here. 我不會為不想讓她在這兒而道歉
  You know, Stefan just brought her here 要知道斯特凡帶她來
  to make it seem like he's moving on. 只是為了顯示他已經(jīng)放下了
  He wants you to think that he's over you 他想讓你以為他不糾結(jié)于你了
  and he wants me to think that I can't get under her skin. 想讓我覺得我動不了她
  You know, you're right. 你說得對
  With any luck, 如果走運
  I'll only have to tolerate her for a few more days 我只要再忍幾天
  and then we'll find the cure 我們就能找到治愈方法
  and I'll never have to deal with her again. 我就再也不用跟她打交道了
  Human Rebekah. 變成人的麗貝卡
  Can't imagine her without fangs8. 真無法想象她沒有獠牙的樣子
  You know... 知道嗎
  You've never talked about 你從沒說過
  what you'll do with the cure once we find it. 等我們找到了治愈方法你會怎么做
  Will you take it? 你會用嗎
  I don't like to speculate. 我不想揣測
  Sorry. If there was a less awkward way to do this, 抱歉,如果有不這么尷尬的方法
  I would. 我肯定不會這樣
  Doesn't bother me. 沒關(guān)系
  These symbols must have been left for the hunters 這些一定是留給獵人的記號
  so they could find the cure, 好讓他們找到治愈方法
  and this must be the story of Qetsiyah and Silas. 這一定講的是凱茨雅和賽拉斯
  According to Shane, Silas asked Qetsiyah for help 據(jù)肖恩說,賽拉斯請凱茨雅幫他
  making a spell for immortality9. 制造一個長生不老的咒語
  She helped make him immortal, 她幫助了他
  only to learn he planned to use the same spell on another woman, 卻發(fā)現(xiàn)他打算把這個咒施在另一個女人身上
  not her 而不是她
  when she found out, she freaked. 她發(fā)現(xiàn)之后氣瘋了
  So, Qetsiyah killed the other woman? 所以凱茨雅就殺了那女人嗎
  Yeah. Silas was immortal. 是啊,賽拉斯已經(jīng)是不死之身了
  She couldn't kill him. 她殺不了他
  So, she trapped him in a cave and buried him alive instead. 于是她把他困在了一個洞里活埋了
  Does it say anything about the hunter's purpose in all this? 那么這里講沒講獵人到底該做什么呢
  I was wondering when you'd ask. 我還想你什么時候會問呢
  Qetsiyah created a cure for immortality 凱茨雅創(chuàng)造了一個永生的治愈方法
  and then she buried it with Silas, 并跟賽拉斯埋在一起
  hoping that he'd take it and die. 希望他會治愈自己并死掉
  End up on the other side with her for all eternity10. 這樣他們就能在另一邊永世廝守了
  But he wouldn't give her the satisfaction. 但他卻不肯滿足她
  So, many centuries later, 于是幾個世紀之后
  her descendants created the hunters 她的后人創(chuàng)造了獵人
  to find him, cure him, and kill him. 讓他們?nèi)フ宜?,殺掉?/div>
  You know what? I'll explain on the hike. 咱們走路的時候我解釋吧
  Come on. We gotta get going. 快點,我們得動身了
  Morning, sunshine. 早啊,帥哥
  You look pathetic. 你可真慘啊
  Only until Bonnie's spell locking me in here wears off. 等邦妮把我困在這里的咒語消失就不慘了
  Then I'll look different. 那時我就是另一番模樣了
  Angrier, perhaps. 或許更生氣了
  Or, I won't look like anything, 也或許你看不出區(qū)別了
  because I'll have gouged11 your eyeballs from their sockets12. 因為我已經(jīng)把你的眼珠子掏出來了
  My friends will be back with the cure by then. 那時我的朋友就已經(jīng)帶著治愈方法回來了
  So, I could shove it down your throat and make you mortal. 我就能把它塞進你的喉嚨讓你變?yōu)槌H?/div>
  I'm an original. 我是始祖
  What makes you think my entire vampire bloodline 你怎么知道我的所有吸血鬼后裔
  won't be cured along with me? 不會一起被治愈了
  I.E., you. 比如你
  You know what I think? 你知道我怎么想的嗎
  I think that's impossible. 我覺得那不可能
  I think the moment you stop being a vampire, 我覺得當(dāng)你不再是吸血鬼了
  our whole blood connection to you is broken, 我們跟你的血脈關(guān)系,就斷掉了
  and your sireline ceases to exist. 你也不再是我們的祖先了
  So, whatever happens to you, 因此,無論你怎么樣
  happens only to you, 都不會影響我們了
  which means I can kill your ass13 and no one else has to die. 也就是說,我可以殺了你,而不傷害別人
  Although I am still debating just how to do it. 不過我還沒想好要怎么殺你
  I recommend drowning. 淹死我吧
  There's nothing quite like the feeling of 沒什么能比得上
  someone fighting for something as basic as human breath. 為了那一口氣而拼死掙扎的感覺
  And let me tell you, your mother was a fighter. 我告訴你,你媽媽可掙扎得厲害呢
  Satellite phone lost its signal. 衛(wèi)星電話沒信號了
  That's a good sign. 好跡象
  Is anyone else a little creeped out? 還有別人覺得恐怖嗎
  So, then leave. 那就滾蛋吧
  Out of everyone, your presence is the least necessary. 你是最無關(guān)緊要的人了
  Please don't start. 別招惹她
  I'm merely stating the facts. 實話實說而已
  Jeremy has the spell on his body. 杰里米身上有咒語
  Bonnie's the witch that unseals the cure. 邦妮能啟封治愈方法
  Shane is the human compass. 肖恩是活羅盤
  You and I have the tombstone, which does God knows what. 雖然不知是干什么的,但我們有墓碑
  And Elena has no point. 而埃琳娜一無是處
  What about me? 那我呢
  You have a nice behind. 你背影比較帥
  Centuries after Qetsiyah died, 凱茨雅死后幾百年
  there were these miners who were excavating14 a well on the island. 有一些礦工在島上挖井
  Suddenly went mad. 突然失心瘋了
  Bled themselves dry. No apparent reason. 不知為什么,自己流血而死
  So, the legend spread that these miners, 據(jù)傳說稱,這些礦工
  in exchange for a drop of their blood, 是用他們的一滴血
  saw visions of their lost loved ones in the well they were digging. 來換取在井中看到他們失去愛人的幻象
  The word traveled 這話傳開
  and explorers sought out the well to see if the legend was true. 便有人來找這口井一探究竟
  So, the well was magic? 井有魔法嗎
  Yeah. Some people believe the voices of lost souls 有些人認為,死去人的聲音
  were just a wind vortex whipping through caves. 不過是洞穴里的氣流罷了
  And visions were caused by 而看到幻象則是
  inhaling16 the island's poisonous plant life. 吸入島上有毒植物所致
  And what do you believe? 那你怎么看呢
  I believe in magic. 我相信魔法
  My wife and my son died within months of each other. 我妻子兒子在一個月內(nèi)相繼死去
  And so...I decided17 to try the well out for myself. 于是我決定自己去試試井的魔力
  I offered up my blood and waited. 我把血撒了下去,等待著
  Hello? Hello? 有人嗎,有人嗎
  Atticus. 阿提庫斯
  Caitlin. Caitlin? Caitlin? 凱特琳,凱特琳,凱特琳
  Hello, Atty. 你好啊,阿提
  Caitlin. 凱特琳
  I saw my wife. 我看到了我妻子
  I saw her eyes. 她的雙眸
  Her smile. 她的笑顏
  My blood let me see her again. 我的血讓我再次見到了她
  Yeah, got it. 懂了
  Don't eat the poisonous flowers. 別吃毒花
  Wait. Stop. Stop! Stop. 等等,站住
  Is everybody paying attention? 大家都能聽到嗎
  Our first lesson in survival. 生存的第一課
  Stay together. Keep your eyes open. 別走散,睜大眼睛
  I'm out of water. 我水喝光了
  Here. Take mine. 來,喝我的
  Magic well? Seriously? 魔法井,不是吧
  I don't know. I mean... 我也不知道
  We've all lost someone. 我們都失去過誰
  The chance to maybe see them again? 想要再次見到他們
  I kinda get it. 這我能理解
  Jeremy! 杰里米
  What the hell just happened? 怎么回事
  Somebody just saved my life. 剛剛有人救了我一命
  What is this place? 就是這兒了嗎
  According to island lore15, 島上傳說
  a group of college kids came here for spring break. 一群孩子來這兒度春假
  A few weeks later, they were all found dead, 幾周后,他們都死了
  Completely drained of blood. 血被放干了
  Well, tragic18 for them, brilliant for us. 他們的悲劇是我們的好事
  Who sleeps where? 怎么分床
  Well, that's lovely. 真有愛啊
  There's a mystery man with a hatchet19 lurking20 in the woods 林子里有個拎著斧子的神秘人
  And we're just gonna camp? 我們就在這兒扎營嗎
  We're safer here than we are hiking in the dark. 總比大晚上在林子里走路安全
  Let's just keep going. You know? 繼續(xù)走吧
  Get the cure. Get in, get out. 找到治愈方法,速戰(zhàn)速決
  Where is it? 東西在哪
  How stupid do you think I am? 你以為我傻嗎
  Stupid enough to raise an immortal witch, 傻到想喚醒一個不死巫師
  so I'd say...incredibly. 所以應(yīng)該是傻到家了
  Yeah, I'm shocked you even want the cure, 我真想不到你居然會想找到治愈方法
  considering you've got the most to lose once Elena's human. 畢竟如果埃琳娜變成人類對你最不利
  Shane doesn't know what he's talking about. 肖恩根本不知道他在說什么
  We'll find out tomorrow. 我們明天便知
  Do you really think I'm gonna take this cure, 你真的覺得我會使用治愈方法
  break the sire bond, and fall out of love with you? 接觸認祖歸忠,然后就不愛你了嗎
  No. I'm saying we don't know. 不,我是說我不知道
  And if we find it tomorrow, we will. 等我們明天找到了,就會知道了
  This cure is gonna change so many things. 治愈方法會改變很多
  Jeremy's not gonna want to kill me anymore. 杰里米不會再想殺我了
  We're finally gonna get rid of Klaus. 我們終于能擺脫克勞斯了
  Bonnie's mom isn't gonna be a vampire. 邦妮的媽媽也可以變回人類
  And anyone who wants to take this cure is gonna have that option. 所有想要使用治愈方法的人都會有這個選擇
  Caroline, Stefan, and you. 卡羅琳,斯特凡,你
  If you want it. 如果你愿意
  I get it. Everything changes tomorrow. 我懂,明天一切都會改變
  It'll be all unicorns21 and rainbows. 一切都會很美好
  No, not everything. That's what I'm saying. 也不是一切,我就是這個意思
  Damon, not my feelings for you. 達蒙,我對你的感覺不會變
  You're still here? What are you doing? 你還在這兒,你在干什么
  Gloating. 偷著樂
  Hello, Caroline. 你好,卡羅琳
  Come home. 回家吧
  Don't stoop to his level. 別變成他那種人
  He destroyed my life. 他毀了我的人生
  I plan on being present for every second of his misery22 我不要錯過他痛苦的每一分鐘
  until I can kill him myself. 直到我可以親手宰了他
  Fine. You can gloat and multitask. 你就偷著樂還是什么的吧
  This place is a disaster. 這地方真是一團亂
  Starting with a horrific burnt corpse23. 首先就是嚇人的燒焦的尸體
  Tyler's mother is dead. So is my brother. 泰勒的媽媽死了,我弟弟也是
  We're even. 我們扯平了
  Call Bonnie 打給邦妮
  and get her to let me out of here. 讓她放我出去
  I will never, ever, help you. 我絕不會幫助你的
  How quickly you forget the part 你怎么這么快就忘了
  where I saved Tyler from the misery of being a werewolf. 我讓泰勒不再飽受狼人之苦
  Or the night your mother invited me into her home 或是那晚,你媽媽邀我進門
  to save the life of her precious daughter. 請我救她好女兒的命
  How delusional24 are you? 你真是癡心妄想
  You killed his mother. 你殺了他媽媽
  And let's not forget that we're standing25 in a house 還有,別忘了這里曾經(jīng)是
  where Elena's aunt Jenna used to live. 埃琳娜和珍娜的家
  Or did you think that your charm would make us forget 還是你以為自己魅力十足就能讓我們忘記
  how you killed her, too? 她也死于你手
  You know what? No. I am not going to engage in this. 知道嗎,我不跟你吵了
  You are not even worth the calories I burn talking to you. 跟你浪費口舌真是不值得
  No! 不
  Now, that was definitely worth the calories. 這可真是太值得了
  Well, 7 of us and no one thought to bring s'mores. 七個人都沒想著要帶餅干
  What are you doing with that? 你在干什么呢
  We're a day away from finding the cure. 只差一天我們就能找到治愈方法了
  Not letting it out of my sight. 我得看住了這個
  Do you hear that? 聽到了嗎
  I swear this place is haunted. 這地方絕對有鬼
  Um...you're crushing my arm. 胳膊要被你擰斷了
  Ok. You got me. I'm a scaredy cat. 好吧,被你發(fā)現(xiàn)了,我很膽小的
  You do realize you're an original vampire, right? 你知道自己是吸血鬼始祖吧
  Which is precisely26 why you should stop teasing me. 所以你不該再逗我了
  I'm very powerful. 我可是很厲害的
  What are you gonna do when Elena becomes human 等埃琳娜變成了人類
  and comes running back to you? 又對你投懷送抱你會怎么辦
  You said that you'd take the cure to be with her. 你曾經(jīng)說愿為她而一起使用治愈方法
  You'd have children and grow old. 生兒育女,白頭到老
  Is it still true? 你還這么想嗎
  Why do you want to take it? 那你是為什么
  Aren't you the perfect vampire? 你不是完美的吸血鬼嗎
  Isn't it obvious? 多明顯啊
  It's all an act, Stefan. 那都是裝出來的,斯特凡
  Being a vampire is miserable27. 做吸血鬼糟透了
  I would give anything to be human. 我愿付出一切變回人類
  Normal. 正常人
  If I take the cure... it wouldn't be for her. 如果我使用治愈方法,也不是為了她
  It'd be for me. 而是為了我自己
  I've been staring at pictures of Jeremy's tattoo 我一直在看杰里米的紋身
  and there's no spell. 上面沒有咒語
  Expression doesn't require a written spell. 表達不需要明文的咒語
  Just think of it as a way of 把它當(dāng)做讓你觸及到
  accessing magic that already exists inside you. 你體內(nèi)已經(jīng)存在的魔法的方法
  You just have to want it bad enough. 只要你愿望夠強烈就行
  And I'm just supposed to trust you? 你就讓我相信你嗎
  Bonnie, listen, I taught you expression 邦妮,聽我說,我教你表達
  so that you could access the cure. 就是為了讓你拿到治愈方法
  I'll be right there with you the whole time. Promise. 我會一直陪著你,我保證
  You didn't answer the trust part. 你沒說你可不可信
  All right. Let me put it this way. 這么說吧
  You need me to help you through it, Bonnie. 你需要我?guī)湍?,邦?/div>
  And as you've demonstrated, expression can get messy. 你也知道,表達會變得難以收拾
  Believe me when I say I've seen it get a lot worse. 相信我,我見過更一發(fā)不可收拾的
  How much worse? 有多不可收拾
  When we lost our son in the car accident, my wife kind of lost it. 我兒子在車禍中喪生時,我妻子發(fā)狂了
  She tried to resurrect his body using magic. 她試圖用魔法將他復(fù)活
  Your wife was a witch? 你妻子是女巫
  She was a powerful witch. 她很強大
  And incredibly undisciplined. 而且毫無章法
  And you never thought to tell me? 你就不覺得應(yīng)該告訴我嗎
  I just didn't want to scare you. 我只是不想嚇到你
  The truth is, she tried to bring our son back using expression, 事實就是,她想用表達復(fù)活我們的兒子
  and it overwhelmed her, and she died. 而魔法讓她無力招架,她因此喪命
  You taught me the same magic that killed your wife? 你教給我害死你妻子的魔法
  Yeah, but look, the upside is, 但是,好就好在
  I've learned the warning signs, all right? 危險信號我都已經(jīng)清楚了
  I can keep expression from consuming you. 我能讓你不被表達吞噬
  Downside is, you turned her into a bomb that only you can dismantle28. 問題是你把她變成你只有你能拆除的炸彈
  Don't you think I know how this ends? 你不覺得我知道如何終結(jié)的辦法嗎
  I came here to raise Silas 我來這里喚醒賽拉斯
  so that he could bring back the dead, 他就能讓死去的人都復(fù)活
  but you're never gonna let that happen. 但你決不會讓他醒過來的
  The second I point to a cure, you're gonna kill me. 我找到治愈方法的那刻,你就會殺死我
  Now Bonnie has to keep me alive 現(xiàn)在邦妮必須得讓我好好活著
  so that I can keep her alive. 那樣我才能讓她活著
  Oh, my god. Oh, my god. 天啊,我的天啊
  Oh, my god. Oh, my god. Oh, my god. 天啊,我的天啊,我的天
  Look at me. Look at me. 看著我,你看著我
  I can fix this. How? The only thing 我能治好你,怎么治,唯一能
  that can heal me is his blood. 治愈我的就是他的血
  Oh, my god. Oh, my god. I know. 天啊,我的天啊,我知道
  I'll fix it. 我會治好你的
  She'll die if you don't heal her. 要是你不治愈她,她會死的
  Ok. 好吧
  Beg me to save her life. 來求我治好她
  This is what you want? 這是你想要的嗎
  To remind me that I'm powerless against you? 提醒我在你面前我是如此無能
  Fine. You win. I'm nothing. 好吧,你贏了,我是無名小卒
  Now, save her. Please. 現(xiàn)在求你救救她
  I'm sorry, mate. I didn't quite catch that. 老兄,抱歉,我沒聽清你剛說什么
  Please. 求你
  Please... 求我
  Please save her life. 求你救救她
  See, now I think you're just telling me what I want to hear. 這會兒你說出我想聽的話了
  I mean, you did call me pathetic earlier. 之前你還稱我為可憐鬼
  And wouldn't it be more pathetic of me to help now, 幾小時前知道,你計劃要
  knowing that hours ago, you announced 以懸而未決的方式殺死我
  your plan to kill me in a manner in which you're still debating 我現(xiàn)在幫你不是更可憐嗎
  because you want it to have a certain amount of flair29? 因為你想用此來積聚一定的資質(zhì)
  I'm just asking. 我不過這么一問罷了
  I'll be your slave again. 我愿再次成為你的奴隸
  I'll do whatever you want. 我會做一切你想做的事
  Just help her. 只求你救她
  No. 不行
  Get me out of here. 帶我離開這兒
  I can't even look at him. 我看他一眼都厭惡
  Come on. 過來
  Jeremy! 杰里米
  Did you find anything? 有找到線索嗎
  He's not on the trail. 他不在山上
  His gear's still here. 他的背包還在這
  He's not at the quarry30, either. 他也不在采石場
  Split up. 分開找
  I'm gonna stay and try a locator spell. 我留下來用定位咒試一試
  Ok. I'll stay here. I'll make sure she's safe. 好吧,我留下來確保她的安全
  I'll stay here and make sure you're not lying. 我留下來確保你沒有說謊
  Fine. We'll keep searching the island. 好吧,我們繼續(xù)在島上搜尋
  Thought it didn't work. 我以為那沒信號了
  Yeah. I'm just...just checking the signal. 是的,我只是在查看有沒有信號
  So you can call someone? 所以你就可以趁機打電話給某人
  Like whoever took Jeremy? 比如抓走杰里米的那個人
  This place has a habit of getting to you, doesn't it? 這地方讓你感到很不習(xí)慣,不是嗎
  See for yourself. 自己看吧
  I'm done trusting you. 我再也不相信你了
  Uhh! Where's the cure? 治愈方法在哪
  You know that magical well I was telling you about? 你記得我給你說過的那口神奇的井嗎
  Silas and the cure are buried deep below it. 賽拉斯還有治愈方法埋在那口井的地下深處
  So, you've seen it? 你看見過嗎
  No. 沒有
  But you could say I heard it from a reliable source. 但這是最可靠的人告訴我的
  Caitlin. 凱特琳
  How is this happening? 這是怎么發(fā)生的
  You're bleeding. What? 你在流血,什么
  Oh, my god. Oh, my god. 我的天啊
  No. It's good. It's Ok. 不,這是好事,沒事的
  It's what's keeping me here. 就是因為你流的血我才會在這
  If a single drop of blood can give you a vision, 如果一滴血就可以讓你看見幻象
  could you imagine what two liters could do? 你能想象出兩公升血能做什么嗎
  What does your dead wife have to do with a cure? 你死去的妻子和治愈方法有什么關(guān)系
  She got nothing to do with a cure, 她和治愈方法沒關(guān)系
  but she has everything to do with Silas. 但是她和賽拉斯有關(guān)系
  I'm so sorry I let things get out of control. 對不起我讓事情失去控制
  I should've stopped you. 我本應(yīng)該阻止你
  Sweetheart, it's ok. 沒事,親愛的
  You wanted Sam back as much as I did. 你和我一樣想讓薩姆活過來
  What if you had a second chance to bring us both back? 如果你有一個機會能讓我們倆都復(fù)活呢
  I can't, baby. I'm not a witch. 我做不到,寶貝,我不是巫師
  We have a witch. 我們有一位巫師
  His name is Silas. 他叫賽拉斯
  If you set him free, 如果你讓他重獲自由
  he'll help those who have helped him. 他會幫助那些曾幫過他的人
  Set him free from...from what? 怎么讓他重獲自由
  He's entombed in the caves below us, 他被埋在我們下面的洞穴中
  but it's impossible to get him out without a spell. 但是需要一條咒語才能救出他
  You need to get the spell. 你需要去找到那條咒語
  And that's when she explained 她就在那時給我解釋了
  everything that I had to do. 我需要做到的一切事情
  Complete the hunter's mark to access the spell 顯現(xiàn)獵人印記獲得咒語
  and empower a descendant of Qetsiyah to perform it. 利用卡西亞的后裔來施咒
  Bonnie Bennett's related to this crazyass witch? 邦妮·貝內(nèi)特和這個瘋女巫有關(guān)系
  Jeremy! 杰里米
  Jeremy! Why don't you yell louder? 杰里米,你為什么不再叫大聲點
  Maybe we haven't drawn31 enough attention to ourselves. 也許我們自己還不夠引人注意呢
  I'm sorry, and how are you helping? 抱歉,你幫什么忙了呢
  I'm stronger than you and faster than you 我比你強壯迅速
  and I'm quite certain I can charm the islanders 而且我確信我可以比你更輕易
  a lot easier than you. 迷惑島上居民
  Not disagreeing on the easy part. 輕易迷惑這一部分我很贊同
  All right, we get it. You two hate each other. 好了,知道了,你們倆很恨彼此
  Can we just keep going, please? 拜托,我們能繼續(xù)嗎
  I tried being her friend, 我曾試著跟她做朋友
  but somehow, I ended up with a dagger in my back 但是不知為何,我卻被匕首從背后封住了
  because I'm the evil one. 就因為我比她邪惡
  Technically32, you didn't achieve evil status 其實,因為你殺了我,你才稱得上是
  until you killed me. 邪惡的
  Nice catch. Thank you. 漂亮,謝謝
  No, actually, thank you. 不,謝謝你
  This thing would've killed me. 這玩意可能會殺了我
  I don't care what happens to you either way. 我不在乎你會怎樣
  But if you're gonna die, it might as well be epic33. 但是如果你死了,也可能會是史詩般
  I'm gonna go back and check on Bonnie, 我回去看看邦妮
  see if she found anything. 看看她有沒有發(fā)現(xiàn)什么
  Be careful. 小心
  You have the rock, hunter, Bennett witch. 你得到了石頭,獵人,貝內(nèi)特女巫
  What about the dozens that died in sacrifice? 那祭獻的十二人是怎么回事
  Where do they fit in to all this? 他們在這事里有何作用
  As you can imagine, that was not an easy pill to swallow. 如你所想,這事沒那么容易
  Caitlin, it's me, 凱特琳,你知道我
  the guy who refused to serve a meat course at our wedding. 我甚至不肯在我們的婚禮上提供肉食
  I can'tI can't orchestrate 3 massacres35. 我沒辦法,策劃三場屠殺
  It isn't like that. 不是那樣的
  You're merely leading these people 你只不過是引領(lǐng)著他們
  so Silas can bring them back from the dead. 賽拉斯可以讓他們起死回生
  Whywhy should they die just to be resurrected? 為什么他們?yōu)榱藦?fù)活而死去
  It doesn't make sense. 沒道理
  The spell that brings me back 能夠讓我復(fù)活的咒語
  requires a witch to channel 需要一個女巫引來
  an extreme amount of mystical energy. 巨大的神秘能量
  Energy that doesn't occur in nature. 不是自然形式的一種能量
  Because it isn't natural. 因為不是自然產(chǎn)生的
  I'm sorry, Cate. 抱歉,凱特
  I justI can't do that to innocent people. 我不能把無辜的人牽扯進來
  Can you feel my touch? 你能感覺到我的存在嗎
  How is this possible? 這怎么可能
  Because you believe it is possible. 因為你相信這是真實的
  You believe that you can see me again. 你堅信可以再次見到我
  You don't have to take a single 你不用再孤苦伶仃的
  human life yourself, Atticus. 過常人的生活了,阿提庫斯
  All you have to do is convince someone 你所要做的
  to believe that it is possible 就是說服一些人
  that they can see a lost loved one again. 讓他們堅信可以再見到失去的摯愛
  And they'll do it for you. 他們就會聽你的
  Which is how you manipulated the pastor36 所以你就這么操縱牧師
  to blow up a farmhouse37 full of people. 引發(fā)了農(nóng)場的爆炸的慘案
  He just wanted to see his wife again. 他只是想再次見到他妻子
  We need 3 massacres. 我們需要三次大屠殺
  Fire at the Young farm. 先是在楊牧師的農(nóng)場
  Holiday hybrid38 slaughter39. 然后圣誕節(jié)的混血兒大屠殺
  What mass bloodletting am I forgetting? 我漏掉了哪一次大屠殺嗎
  You're not. 你沒有
  You're not finished. 你還沒有完成
  Is that why you brought us all out here 這就是你把我們帶到這的原因嗎
  in the middle of nowhere? 在這個荒無人煙的地方
  Massacre34 number 3? 進行第三次大屠殺嗎
  It doesn't work that way, Damon. 達蒙,不是那樣的
  I think you need to tell me 我想你該告訴我
  where this magical well is. 魔法許愿池在哪
  You know I can't do that. 你知道我不會被控制
  Oh, I know. 我知道
  I know. 我知道了
  It's getting worse. 情況越來越糟
  I'm sorry. No. 對不起,不
  It's my fault. I'm sorry. 是我的錯,對不起
  No. You didn't do any of this. 這些事與你無關(guān)
  I unsired the hybrids40 我打破了混血兒的認祖歸忠
  and turned them on Klaus. 還讓他們和克勞斯對著干
  I should've just left it alone. 我不該讓這些發(fā)生
  You freed them, Tyler. 泰勒,你給了他們自由
  People put their faith in you 人們把你視為信仰
  because you're a leader. 因為你是領(lǐng)頭人
  Don't forget that. 不要忘記這一點
  Then you trust me? 那你相信我嗎
  You want to be in control, Klaus? Here. 你想掌控大局,克勞斯,給你
  Now you get to be in control of her life. 現(xiàn)在你可以掌握她生死了
  If you want her to die, fine. 如果想讓她死,行
  But then you can sit here 但你得坐這兒
  and watch her die yourself. 親眼看著她死
  Nothing personal, love. 不是針對你,親愛的
  If I kill you, that means victory for him. 我若殺你,就表示他贏了
  Don't worry. It won't be long now. 別擔(dān)心,很快的
  Where's the cure? 治愈方法在哪兒
  Does it matter? 跟你有關(guān)嗎
  I think we both know you'd rather just torture me. 我倆都知道你寧愿折磨我
  Torture gives you a sense of control, 折磨別人給你掌控的感覺
  especially with your relevance41 slipping away. 畢竟你越來越不重要了
  I look at you. Here you are, 看看你
  hours from Elena breaking her sire bond. 再過幾小時埃琳娜就打破她的認祖歸忠
  Start to freak out a little bit. 開始有點崩潰
  Listen, you want my advice? Leave. Go. 聽著,我的建議是,離開
  Don't put yourself through this. 別把自己攪進來
  Oh! Fine. Ok. 好吧
  Let's say her feelings for you are real. 就當(dāng)她對你的感覺是真實的
  How does that end? 又能有什么結(jié)果呢
  She's human. You're a vampire. 她是人類,你是吸血鬼
  Stop! Mm. It's doomed42, Damon. 閉嘴,上天注定的,達蒙
  See, you're not torturing me, man. 你不是在折磨我,兄弟
  You're torturing yourself by helping them find the cure. 你是以幫他們找治愈方法來折磨你自己
  I could kill you. 我可以殺了你
  Then no one would find it. 就沒人找得到了
  We've established that you can't kill me 我們都證實過了,你要想殺我
  without sending Bonnie off the deep end. 就得把邦妮逼上絕路
  You can leave the island. 你可以離開這個島
  Have a modicum43 of selfrespect. 保留殘存的自尊
  Don't stay here and watch Elena walk away from you. 別呆在這兒眼看著埃琳娜棄你而去
  Right. 是啊
  Because if I'm not here, 如果我不在這兒
  then I can't get in between you 我就無法介入到
  and whatever you're planning with Silas. 你如何處理賽拉斯的計劃中了
  I'm not that easily manipulated, professor. 我沒那么好操縱,教授
  And there is one flaw in your logic44. 而且你的邏輯有點問題
  I don't give a crap about Bonnie Bennett. 我一點兒也不在乎邦妮·貝內(nèi)特生死
  What is wrong with you? 你瘋了啊
  What did you say to him? 你跟他說什么了
  Your boyfriend's a maniac45, Elena. 你男朋友是個瘋子,埃琳娜
  Stop messing with my friends. 少干擾我的朋友們
  Shane is the only thing that's keeping Bonnie safe, 肖恩是唯一能保證邦妮安全的人
  and you try to kill him? 你還想殺他
  And you wonder why Bonnie hates you. 你想知道為什么邦妮會恨你嗎
  I don't wonder, Elena, because I don't care. 我不想知道,埃琳娜,因為我不在乎
  I don't care about her. 我不在乎她
  I don't care about some lameass cure for vampires46, either. 我也不在乎什么治愈吸血鬼的破方法
  How can you say that right now? 到現(xiàn)在你怎么還說這些
  Because I don't want you to be cured. 因為我不想讓你被治愈
  I'm not fighting with you about this anymore. 我不想再跟你爭這個了
  Being human isn't gonna change my feelings for you. 做回人類不會改變我對你的感情
  Fine. Say they're real. 好吧,就算感情是真的
  Say you've become human and you still love me. 就算你變回人類還繼續(xù)愛我
  Then what? 那又怎樣
  You grow old. You die. 你會變老,然后死去
  I stay a vampire. 我卻永遠是個吸血鬼
  Face reality, Elena. We don't work. 面對現(xiàn)實吧,埃琳娜,我們成不了
  So, things aren't easy 所以只要遭遇挫折
  and you're just gonna push me away now? 你就要放棄我是嗎
  That's what you do, Damon. 你總是這樣,達蒙
  You think that you don't 你總覺得你...
  you don't deserve something, so you ruin it. 覺得你配不上你擁有的,所以就毀掉它
  I'm not gonna let you pull that this time. 這次我不會讓你這么做了
  Take the cure with me. 和我一起治愈吧
  That's how much I know this is real. 我們的感情就這么真實
  That's how certain I am that 我就有這么確定
  I'm going to love you 在這一切結(jié)束后
  even after this is all over. 我還會愛著你
  Take the cure. 接受治愈吧
  Be human with me. 和我一起做回人類
  We can be together. Grow old together. 我們可以在一起,一起變老
  This doesn't have to be hard anymore. 一切將不再這么艱難
  That's not me, Elena. That's Stefan. 那不是我的作風(fēng),埃琳娜,那是斯特凡
  I used to miss being human. 我曾經(jīng)想念做人類的感覺
  Now I can't think of anything more miserable on earth. 現(xiàn)在我覺得做人是世上最痛苦的事
  Haven't we been through here before? 我們是不是來過這里了
  It all looks the same to me. 反正我看著都差不多
  Thanks. But that wouldn't have killed me. 謝了,不過那玩意殺不死我
  Sorry. Force of habit. 抱歉,慣性使然
  Don't be a tease. 別挑逗我
  Elena could be lurking somewhere in the woods. 埃琳娜可能正藏在樹林中呢
  Do you mean what you said? 你不是認真的吧
  About a ceasefire? 關(guān)于停戰(zhàn)協(xié)議
  Why do you all assume that I hate Elena so much? 你們干嘛都覺得我那么恨埃琳娜
  Well, I mean, you did run her off a bridge. 怎么說呢,你確實把她撞下橋頭過啊
  You all seem to forget that Elena's death 你們都忘了埃琳娜的死亡
  was the only way to save my family. 是拯救我家人唯一的希望
  I did the same thing that every one of you would've done 我做的事不過是你們每一個人為了
  to protect the people that you love. 保護你們所愛的人都會做的
  And before you cast me as the bad guy, 而你把我當(dāng)做壞人之前
  maybe you should remember that Elena's helped to kill 別忘了埃琳娜殺了
  not one but two of my brothers. 不止一個,而是我兩個兄弟
  Maybe we're not as different as everyone's making us out to be. 或許我們不像大家想的那么不同
  Jeremy's not here. I'm going back. 杰里米不在這兒,我要回去了
  Bonnie? 邦妮
  Where is everyone? 大家哪去了
  What are you talking about? 你在說什么
  Bonnie is not here and Shane's stuff is all gone. 邦妮不在這兒,肖恩的東西也沒了
  Oh, my God. 我的天吶
  The tombstone's gone. 墓碑也沒了
  If you don't feed me your blood, I'll die. 你不給我你的血,我會死的
  Then you'll die, 那就死吧
  and Tyler will have learned his lesson the hard way. 這會給泰勒好好上一課
  How could you do this to him? 你怎么能這樣對他
  To his mom? To me? 對他媽媽,對我
  I'm a thousand years old. Call it boredom47. 我一千歲了,這叫寂寞
  I don't believe you. 我不相信
  Fine. Then maybe it's because i'm pure evil, 好吧,那就算是骨子里的邪惡
  And I can't help myself. 我就是忍不住
  No. 不
  It's because you were hurt. 是因為你受傷了
  Which means that there is a part of you that is human. 也就是說你還是有人性的
  How could you possibly think that? 你怎么會這么想呢
  Because I've seen it. 因為我看到過
  Because...I've caught myself wishing 因為,我發(fā)現(xiàn)自己偷偷希望
  that I could forget all the horrible things that you've done. 我可以忘記你做過的所有壞事
  But you can't. Can you? 但你做不到,對嗎
  I know that you're in love with me. 我知道你愛我
  And anybody capable of love 任何一個能愛的人
  is capable of being saved. 都可以得到拯救
  You're hallucinating. 你是產(chǎn)生幻覺了
  I guess I'll never know. 或許永不得知了
  Caroline. 卡羅琳
  What are you doing in my tent? 你怎么在我?guī)づ窭?/div>
  Where's the tombstone? What have you done with it? 墓碑呢,你把它怎么了
  What are you talking about? 你在說什么啊
  Like it's not bloody48 obvious? 還不夠明顯嗎
  All you people ever do is betray me and here you go again. 你們總是背叛我,你又這么做了
  Let her go. She didn't take it. 放開她, 不是她拿的
  Was any of this real? 這都是真的嗎
  Was it just a ploy49 to distract me 還是調(diào)虎離山計
  while Shane ran off with the tombstone? 肖恩現(xiàn)在拿著墓碑跑了
  You think I would do that? 你覺得我會那么做嗎
  You think I would let some psychopath run off with the cure? 你覺得我會讓一個瘋子拿著治愈方法跑掉嗎
  Every single moment of my last 146 years 我過去的146年里
  has been ruled by the pain of being a vampire. 一直活在做一個吸血鬼的痛苦之中
  And this cure ends that. 治愈方法能結(jié)束一切
  It ends the guilt50 and it ends the suffering. 結(jié)束我的罪惡感和折磨
  And you really think I would jeopardize51 that? 你真以為我會拿這個冒險嗎
  Fine. You didn't take it. 好吧,不是你
  But that doesn't mean I trust her. 但我還是不能相信她
  I didn't take it, but here. 我沒拿,不過,給你
  Consider this a peace offering. 算是講和的誠意吧
  Don't you get it,Elena? There is no peace. 你不明白嗎,埃琳娜,沒有"和"可言了
  We're all screwed. 我們都完了
  Exactly, Rebekah. We're screwed. 沒錯,麗貝卡,我們完了
  Bonnie's gone. Shane's got the tombstone. 邦妮沒了,肖恩拿走了墓碑
  Jeremy's missing 杰里米失蹤了
  Who knows if Damon's coming back. 誰知道達蒙會不會回來
  So,us 3 right here, This is all we've got. 所以,就只有我們?nèi)齻€了
  So,we're either in this together... 我們要么站在一起
  or it's over. 要么就玩完了
  For all of us. 我們都玩完了
  Jeremy. 杰里米
  Was a bit of a scare yesterday. 昨天有點嚇人
  Thanks for fending52 off his attacker. 謝謝你阻擋了襲擊他的人
  His attacker? 襲擊他的人
  Jeremy was attacked by an islander. 島上有人襲擊了他
  I assume hatchet fling guardian53 angle. 我以為是你救了他
  No, it wasn't me. 不,不是我
  Well, I guess there's somebody else on this island 那么島上還有其他人
  who is desperate to keep our hunter alive. 想保住獵人的命了
  How do I get here. 我是怎么過來的
  What the hell is going on? 到底怎么回事
  I see your locater spell work. 看來你的定位咒好使了
  The path behind me just... 我走過的路
  Magically disappear. You'd thank the talented Masaque. 奇跡般的消失了,感謝馬薩克吧
  He's a witch. 他是個巫師
  Should you try to escape 你要是想逃跑
  we'll make sure you never find your way back. 你絕對找不到路
  So, gang's all here. 大家都到了
  Silas awaits. 賽拉斯等著我們呢
  You got to be kidding me. 搞什么呢
  You're one of the five. 你是個獵人



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