. 我是埃琳娜·吉爾伯特,我是吸血鬼
I'm learning how to survive, but there are complications. 我在學習如何生存,但情況有些復雜
I know that I'm sired to you, Damon. 我知道我對你認祖歸忠了,達蒙
That what you actually felt for me was real. 就是你對我的感情是真的
But there's hope now. 但現(xiàn)在有了希望
He said there was a cure. 他說有個治愈方法
And we're not the only ones who want it... 想找到治愈方法的不只是我們
But uncovering it comes with a price. 但要想找到,需要付出代價
what to do with it. 就能決定拿它怎么辦
I was beginning to worry you boys wouldn't find the place. 我都要開始擔心,你們找不到地方了
No way. I'm not doing it. 不行,我絕不能這么做
Mark equals cure. 紋身等于治愈方法
so get your hunt on. 開始獵殺吧
Screw you. You said I wouldn't have to kill 你去死,你說過的,我不用殺
any innocent people. 任何無辜之人
Jeremy, they're not people. 杰里米,他們已經(jīng)不是人了
Enough! Have at it, or else. 夠了,動手,要么等死
I don't take orders from you, dick. 我不會聽命于你的,混蛋
Hunters can't be compelled. 你不能控制獵人
You're right. I can't compel you, 你說得對,我控制不了你
because I can compel them. 因為我能控制他們
I'm gonna give you a twominute head start. 給你兩分鐘準備時間
Then I'm gonna send every vampire in here after you. 然后我會讓所有吸血鬼隨你而去
You kill them, or they kill your friend...Matt. 你如果不殺他們,他們就會殺死你的朋友,馬特
Wait a second. 等等
No, no. You turn them, he kills them. 不行,你把他們變成吸血鬼,他負責殺
That was the deal, Klaus. 我們說好的,克勞斯
You know he can't take them all on at the same time. 你知道他不能一次殺死這么多人
With you as his coach, he'll be fine. 有你這個教練在,他絕對能行
It's Matt I'm worried about. 其實馬特更讓人擔心
Jeremy, go get the weapons out of the car. 杰里米,到車上去拿武器
I'll be right behind you. 我馬上就來
Go with him. 和他一起去
Yeah. I just need a second. 沒事,我得歇一下
We don't have a second. 沒時間休息
They can smell your blood. We need to go. 他們會聞到血腥味,我們得快跑
Don't hesitate. You're lucky it was me. 別猶豫,幸好是我
Otherwise, you two would be dead. 否則你們倆早死了
You set us up. 你陷害我們
I'm was trying to get this thing over with. 我只想讓這件事盡快結束
You're the one that pissed off Klaus. 是你偏要惹怒克勞斯
Now you have to fight your way out of it. 現(xiàn)在你只能自求多福了
They're newbies. They're still trying to figure out how to track, 他們是新生吸血鬼,還在摸索如何追蹤獵物
which means you have two seconds to get ready to fight. 也就是說,你們有兩秒時間準備戰(zhàn)斗
The lake house is this way. 走這邊能到湖邊別墅
if we can get there, they won't be able to get inside. 如果我們進屋,他們就沒法追過來
Wait. You want to run? 等等,你想跑走嗎
They're gonna kill Matt. 他們會殺死馬特的
Fine. Get out of here. I'll slow them down. 好吧,快走,我來拖住他們
Keep going. We're almost there. 快跑,馬上就到了
My god. 天啊
They're coming. 他們追來了
Sun's up. 太陽出來了
They're long gone. 他們離開了
All I asked you to do was to teach him how to fight. 我只是讓你教他怎么戰(zhàn)斗
He's not the best student in the world. 他沒好好學
Wait. Now this is my fault? 等一下,現(xiàn)在是我的錯了
Stop talking. 別再說了
Look. I know you're angry, 我知道你很生氣
to complete his mark to get you the cure. 最簡單快捷而且最安全的方法
Not if it means putting the people that I love in danger. 不能以讓我愛的人遭受生命危險為代價
Hey. There would have been no danger 如果他不那么手軟
if he hadn't gone all bleeding heart. 就壓根不會出現(xiàn)危險
He killed someone. 他殺了人
These were innocent people. 那些都是無辜的人
Ok. Look. We need a plan. 我們得想一個計劃
they're gonna come after Matt. 他們就會回來找馬特
So we have to find a away to protect him. 所以我們要設法保護他
when big Jer and I here go on a hunting expedition. 繼續(xù)獵殺吸血鬼的征途,就不會有問題了
But we also agree that he had to kill them. 但我們一致認為他得殺了他們
and Jeremy and I will finish this. 杰里米和我去把這事解決了
I'm sorry. Are you saying that I should 等一下,你要我把他
Trust me. 相信我
Ahem. I know you were, uh, daggered for a little while, 我了解你與世隔絕了一段時間
but, uh, knocking is still a thing. 但是敲門這個習慣要保持
I'm just checking for doubts. 我只是為了保險起見
You can never be too cautious when it comes to love. 一旦有關愛情,再小心也不為過
Right. Well, you can read it all you want. 好吧,你想讀多少就讀多少
I'm done with her. 我和她已經(jīng)結束了
Hey. I'm talking to you. 我在跟你說話呢
Oh, I know you are. I'm ignoring you. 我知道,而我在無視你
Look. We're at a bit of a disadvantage 我們在這場爭奪治愈方法的比賽中
in this whole race for the cure. 處于稍微的劣勢
Team Klaus has Jeremy the hunter. 克勞斯隊有吸血鬼獵人杰里米
Team Shane has Bonnie the witch. 肖恩隊有女巫邦妮
I'm very well aware. 我非常明白
Actually I have a plan. 其實我有個計劃
that ancient evil guy my brother Kol is afraid of. 遠古惡魔賽拉斯埋在一起
his headstone. 他的墓碑
I see. You want to steal it. 我懂了,你想把它偷了
Yes. And then team Shane will have to join team Rebekah, 是的,然后肖恩隊就不得不加入麗貝卡隊了
and team Klaus will be left out in the cold where he belongs. 然后克勞斯隊就慘兮兮了
Come on, use your breath. 好好呼吸
Use your breath to calm your nerves. 用你的呼吸使內(nèi)心平靜下來
Great. 太棒了
Bonnie, you didn't fail. 邦妮,你沒有失敗
I did an expression spell that almost killed April. 我做了一個表達咒語差點害死艾普莉
Exactly. Almost. 是的,差一點
Failing would have been actually killing her. 真的害死她才算失敗
You got, like, a Dminus. 你只是拿了個中下等
It's not funny. 這不好笑
I won't be able to control it. 我擔心控制不住它
Bonnie, look at me. 邦妮,看著我
I'm here with you. 我就和你在一起
You don't have anything to worry about. 你什么都不用擔心
You are strong, you are focused. 你很堅強,很專注
You are in complete control. 你完全可以控制自己
You're here with me. 你和我在一起
I'm in complete control. 我完全可以控制自己
Bonnie, I'm gonna need you to go. 邦妮,你得離開
We need to ask you a few questions. 我們得問你幾個問題
without the handcuffs. 我也會知無不言
Well, then I guess we better get you to mystic falls asap. 那就盡快把你押回神秘瀑布鎮(zhèn)
Wait. Why are you doing this? 等等,為什么你要這么做
That's something you should ask your dad. 你應該去問問你父親
It's all cabins and vacation homes. 這里都是小屋和度假別墅
They can't get in anywhere. 他們哪里都進不去
All right. There you go. 好了,給你
Fine. Let's get this over with. 好吧,來把這事解決了
Listen. Just go one at a time, 聽著,一次干掉一個
and don't miss. 更不要打偏
Save the teaching moment. 省省吧
Elena's not here. 埃琳娜不在這
You don't have to pretend like you give a damn about me. 你不用假裝在乎我
I'm trying to keep you alive, dumbass. 傻子,我是想讓你活命
Come on. 走吧
Something's not right. 情況不對
Looks like we're gonna have to find some new vampires. 看來我們需要一批新的吸血鬼了
What a waste. 真是浪費
I confess. 我認罪
I did it. 是我干的
Kol. 科爾
Jeremy, good to see you, mate. 杰里米,兄弟,見到你真好
Sorry about the mess. 抱歉,一片混亂
We 3 need to have a little chat. 我們?nèi)齻€要好好聊聊
so let's just cut to it. 我們就省去這一套吧
to complete Jeremy's hunter's mark. 完成杰里米獵人印記的計劃
It was easy enough to track this lot down. 追捕到他們真是太簡單了
They were all hiding in the shadows. 他們都躲在黑暗中
or old ones for that matter. 干掉年紀大點的也不難
you risk waking someone very dangerous. 也冒著喚醒某個很恐怖的人的危險
Oh. You must be talking about Silas. 你說的一定是賽拉斯
Nothing. Don't want to. Not our problem. 不知道,不想知道,關我們屁事
that worshiped Silas. 一幫崇拜賽拉斯的人
and when he did, he would trigger the end of all time. 當他一旦覺醒,就會終結一切
to time's ending. 我會反對到底
I murdered all of them, 我把他們?nèi)細⒘?/div>
and now here you are willing to risk raising him 現(xiàn)在,你們冒著喚醒他的危險
in your search for the cure. 也要找到治愈方法
I can't exactly sit back and let that happen, can I? 我不能坐視不理,對吧
We're not gonna back off the cure because you were told 我們不會放棄的,因為你只是
one too many scary bedtime stories, you idiot. 一個聽了太多睡前故事的白癡
Jeremy, we were mates in Colorado. 杰里米,我們在科羅拉多的時候可是好朋友
You're a smart lad. 你是個聰明的家伙
Why don't you call off this imbecilic treasure hunt? 不如你來結束這個愚蠢的尋寶活動呢
I'm not calling anything off, mate. 兄弟,我不會結束任何事情
Well, I could kill you, 我本可以殺掉你
but then I'd have to deal with the hunter's curse, 但那樣我就會被獵人詛咒
and II don't particularly feel like being haunted 我可不想下一個世紀
for the next century. 一直被追殺
Better idea. 有個更好的主意
I'll just rip off your arms. 直接扯掉你的雙臂
Jeremy, run! 杰里米,快跑
Well...headstone's not here. 墓石不在這里
Don't ripper out on me. 別對我撒氣
We'll find it. 我們會找到的
You're all bottled up. 你太壓抑了
You need a release. Maybe we can find you 需要宣泄一下,也許我們可以幫你
a voodoo doll or something. 找個巫毒娃娃之類的
This should do the trick. 這個應該可以
Exactly what you need. 正是你所需要的
The professor's
stash23 of herbs. 教授的藥草存貨
Not interested. 沒興趣
What happened to you? You were so much fun in the twenties. 你怎么了, 20年代時你很有意思呢
I was a psychotic
killer24 with no emotions in the 1920s. 20年代時我是個毫無感情的神經(jīng)病殺手
You may have been a killer, 也許你曾是個殺手
but you were far from emotionless, Stefan. 斯特凡,但你絕對不是毫無感情
You had a blast. I know you remember. 你也曾充滿激情,我知道你記得
The jazz, the booze, our little table at Gloria's. 爵士樂,酒宴,我們在格洛莉婭的預留桌
Don't make me compel it out of you. 別讓我控制你想起這一切
All right. 好吧
I guess we had a little bit of fun. 我想我們還是有過樂趣
Thank you. So now that we've established 謝謝,所以現(xiàn)在我們已經(jīng)有了樂趣
that fun is, in fact, possible, 事實上,很有可能
maybe you'd like to start having some. 你還想繼續(xù)
Don't worry about the professor. 別擔心教授
He won't be back any time soon. I made sure of that. 他不會回來了,我確定
You're accusing me of orchestrating a mass murder? 你指控我精心策劃了一場大屠殺
Do you know how ridiculous that sounds. 你知道這聽起來有多荒唐嗎
It's Mystic Falls. 這里可是神秘瀑布鎮(zhèn)
It's actually one of the least ridiculous things I've heard. 比這荒唐千百倍的事情我都聽說過
He already explained this, dad. 爸,他已經(jīng)解釋過了
Pastor25 Young came to him for help. He was crazy. 楊牧師來找他幫忙,他瘋了
Hew26 was griefstricken, 不,他只是極度悲傷
And Shane took advantage of it. 肖恩利用了這一點
And somehow talked him into killing a house full of people. 不知如何就說服他殺死了滿屋子的人
It doesn't make any sense. 這樣說不通的
I've met people like this, Bonnie. 邦妮,我遇過太多這樣的人了
They're fasttalking, they're charismatic, they're manipulators. 他們油嘴滑舌,魅力超凡,善于操控人心
prey27 on the weakminded. 他們利用意志薄弱的人
And you're worried that's what he's doing to me. 所以你擔心他也這么對我
That's why you brought him in, isn't it? 要不然你不會逮捕他,對吧
No. We brought him in because 不是,我們逮捕他是因為
April Young told us what he did. 艾普莉·楊向我們檢舉他
Rebekah Mikaelson confirmed it. 麗貝卡·邁克爾森也證實了這點
He confessed to her. 他對她坦白了
I'm going in there. 我要進去
Bonnie, no, you're not. 邦妮,不,不行
If he's gonna tell anyone what he did, it's me. 如果他要坦白,聽眾只能是我
Unless of course you think I'm too weakminded. 除非你認為我意志太薄弱
Bonnie, now is not the time. 邦妮,現(xiàn)在不行
Let her talk. 讓她問吧
I think your dad's confused about the
format28 和你爸開的這種家長會
of the parentteacher conference. 還真是史無前例
I'm so sorry. 抱歉
Rebekah told them you confessed. 麗貝卡告訴他們你坦白了
I know she's lying. 我知道她在說謊
You know, the truth is, she's not. 你知道嗎,事實是,她沒說謊
I'm so sorry. Listen. 我很抱歉,聽著
When I asked you to stay to Jeremy, I never thought 我讓你和杰里米待在一起,我從沒想過...
What did you expect, Elena? 那你是怎么想的,埃琳娜
It's Damon. 達蒙本性如此
I never wanted anyone to get hurt. 我從沒想讓任何人受到傷害
Then you shouldn't have left him in charge. 那你就不應該讓他掌權負責
Look. I'm sorry. I know you didn't have a choice 聽著,抱歉,我知道你別無選擇
Sire bond and all. 都是認祖歸忠惹的禍
Sire bond doesn't work like that. 認祖歸忠不會產(chǎn)生這樣的影響
All I know, Elena, is that the old you 埃琳娜,我只知道,原來的你
would have never left Jeremy with Damon, 是絕對不會讓杰里米單獨和達蒙在一起
especially after what happened last night. 特別是在昨晚發(fā)生了那些事情之后
Jeremy? 杰里米
Elena, we're in trouble. 埃琳娜,我們有麻煩了
Whoa, whoa, whoa. Slow down. 慢點說
Where's Damon? 達蒙呢
Listen to me. Kol attacked us. 聽我說,科爾襲擊了我們
I barely got away, but he's got Damon. 我勉強逃脫,但是他抓走了達蒙
A bit
ironic29 you coming to me for help. 你來找我?guī)兔φ媸怯悬c諷刺呢
Weren't your friends just trying to bury me in a cement tomb? 難道你的朋友們不是想讓我永埋地底嗎
This is your fault. 這是你的錯
You started this when you forced Jeremy to kill those vampires. 這都是你挑起的,你強迫杰里米殺死那些吸血鬼
And my little
brat30 of a brother has gone and made things worse. 我那乳臭未干的弟弟又去制造了一堆麻煩
He never did like Damon. 他一直都討厭達蒙
I suppose I should do something, shouldn't I? 我覺得我該出手了,是吧
Call him off, Klaus. 讓他住手,克勞斯
You are in no position to make demands, love. 親愛的,你沒資格提要求
Whilst I'd like to cure you to make more
hybrids31, 雖然我想治愈你再造出更多的混血兒
I do have other reasons for finding the cure, 但我的確有其他理由需要找到治愈方法
not the least of which is destroying it 但是毀掉它以免你們用它來對付我
so you lot can't use it against me. 并不是其中之一
Whatever our differences, 不管我們有什么不同
we want the same thing. 我們想要的是同一樣東西
Please. Klaus, I'm begging you. 拜托,克勞斯,求你了
Little brother. 弟弟
Just two days home, 才回來兩天
and I'm told you've already gone and made a mess. 你就到處作亂不讓我省心啊
Come on, Nik. I was only having some fun. 別這樣,尼克,我這不是找點樂子嗎
Those vampires were for my hunter. 那些吸血鬼是為我的獵人準備的
I'll make some more. There's no shortage of people. 我會再轉化新的,這里有的是人
Where's Damon Salvatore. 達蒙·塞爾瓦托在哪
I gave him a good and proper beating 我請他吃了一頓好打
just for old time's sake. 念在舊情的份上
Yes. Well, you've had your fun. 好吧,你已經(jīng)開心夠了
Now let him go and come home. 放他回去
Avoid any more trouble, 別再惹麻煩了
or you'll find yourself back in a box. 不然我會重新把你關進棺材里
Hey. No need to be nasty about it. 沒必要這么惡毒吧
On the contrary, I find nastiness to be essential 我倒覺得,每次我的手足給我添亂
Listen closely, Kol. 聽著,科爾
Stay away from the Gilbert boy. 離杰里米遠點
Understand? 明白嗎
Fine. I won't touch him. 知道了,我不會碰他的
You have my word. 我保證
Very good, darling. 很好,親愛的
Now stab yourself a little bit further. 再刺進去點兒
If you're gonna kill me, do it like a man. 要想殺我就干脆點
I don't want to kill you. 我可不想殺你
I just wanted to make sure you could be compelled. 我就想看看你是不是能被我控制
I'm gonna rip out your spleen. 我要挖出你的脾臟
You ought to be thanking me. 你該謝謝我
You don't really want the cure found. 你不是真心想找到治愈方法
You fancy Elena. 你喜歡埃琳娜
I mean, even more now that she's a vampire. 她轉化成吸血鬼之后甚至更喜歡了
Admit it. 承認吧
is her annoying little brother Jeremy. 都是因為她煩人的弟弟杰里米
And deep, deep down, I bet you want him dead, don't you? 我打賭你的內(nèi)心深處,一定想要他死吧
Nope. 沒有
You're lying. 你在撒謊
I bet you'd love to rip his head right off... 你一定很樂意把他的頭擰下來
And I'm gonna give you your wish. 我會滿足你的愿望
You're not gonna remember what I say, 你不會記得我說了什么
but you're going to find Jeremy Gilbert, 找到杰里米·吉爾伯特
and when you do, 一找到他
you're going to kill him. 就把他殺掉
Jeremy, it's over. 杰里米,都結束了
You can put all this away. 這些東西都可以收起來了
Klaus still wants me to finish the mark. 克勞斯想要我完成獵人印記
He's not gonna stop. 他不會停手的
Ok. Well, Damon's gonna be back soon, 好吧,達蒙很快就會回來了
and then we can figure something out. 等他回來我們再想辦法
Seriously? You still trust Damon? 說真的,你還相信達蒙
He saved your life. 他救了你的命
He saved the map to the cure. 他救了能找到治愈方法的地圖
He couldn't care less about me. 他根本不在乎我怎樣
I care about you. 我在乎你
Don't. 別
Whatever's inside of me that makes me want to hunt, 我想要獵殺吸血鬼的獵人本能
right now it's on overdrive. 現(xiàn)在已經(jīng)沸騰了
Jeremy. 杰里米
I'm sorry. 對不起
I know what I have to do, Elena. 我知道自己該做什么,埃琳娜
I really want to get that cure for you, 我很想為你找到治愈方法
But... 但是
I justI don't how I'm gonna do this. 我只是,不知道該怎么做
So much
random36 crap in here. 都是亂七八糟的垃圾
Crap, maybe. Random, no. 也許是垃圾,但絕不混亂
Looks like Shane has a bit of an afterlife fetish. 看來肖恩對輪回有些執(zhí)念啊
Hopi prayer feathers, the Han dynasty soul vase, 霍皮人的祈禱羽毛,漢朝幽靈花瓶
and that is a Polynesian sacrificial knife. 那個,是波利尼西亞人的祭祀刀
Since when did you become such an artifact expert? 你什么時候成手工藝品專家了
I enjoy other cultures, Stefan. 我很喜歡其他文化,斯特凡
I know that might be hard for you to understand 或許你很難理解吧
considering you dated a child who only thinks about herself. 畢竟你的前女友自私而幼稚
Still a sensitive subject, I see. 看來還是個敏感話題啊
Do you know why 你知道我為什么
I wouldn't compel Elena from your memory? 不抹除你關于埃琳娜的記憶嗎
Because you wanted me to suffer. 因為你要讓我痛苦
I did. It's the only way you'll learn. 沒錯,只有這樣你才會吸取教訓
It took me a thousand years 我用了上千年的時間
and hundreds of betrayals to realize 被背叛了無數(shù)次,才明白
that love, caring ruins you. 愛和在乎,只會毀了你
Quite the opposite. 正相反
You know why we had so much fun 你知道為什么我們在20年代
in the twenties, Stefan? 玩得那么開心嗎,斯特凡
Because we didn't care. 因為那時候我們不在乎
We just did what felt good 我們只是順心而為
Drinking, feeding, sex. 喝酒,吸血,做愛
The sex wasn't good because we didn't care. 正因我們不在乎,才沒能由性而愛
It was good because you're crazy. 我們享受性愛,是因為你很瘋狂
Crazy sex is always good. 瘋狂的愛一直都讓我們快樂
You were hardly the model of
sanity42. 你的精神也一向不大正常
Stop...caring. 別再在乎了
Good. You found it. 很好,你找到了
Question is who are you? 問題是,你是誰
What happened? Are you ok? 發(fā)生了什么事,你還好嗎
Kol happened. 科爾出現(xiàn)了
Thank God you both got away. 謝天謝地,你們倆都跑出來了
If Kol had taken Jeremy. 要是科爾抓住杰里米了
Is he here? I just want to talk to him really fast. 他在這嗎,我想馬上跟他說話
He's at the
grill43. He wanted to check on Matt. 他在酒吧,他想去看望馬特
I should go apologize to him. 我應該去跟他道歉
I wasI was pretty tough on him today. 我今天,我今天對他態(tài)度很差
Told my dad to give us a minute. 我告訴爸爸,讓他給我們一分鐘
Camera's off. 攝像機關了
You can talk. 你可以說話了
Are you sure about that? 你確定都關了嗎
Yeah. I don't lie. I'm not you. 是的,我不撒謊,我不像你
Look. I was always gonna tell you the truth. 聽著,我一直都打算跟你說實話
I just kept putting it off 我只不過一直在拖延而已
Because I was worried how you'd react. 因為怕你知道真相后,反應過激
Bad. That's how I react to murder. 很糟,我對謀殺的反應就是這樣
I'm not a killer, Bonnie. 我不是個殺手,邦妮
I've heard this. 這我聽過
Skip to the part where you convince him to
massacre45 11 people. 直接跳到你說服他屠殺了11個人的部分
It wasn't a massacre. It was a ritual. 那不是屠殺,那是一個儀式
It was something necessary to raise Silas 那是喚醒塞拉斯的必要條件
and get the cure that your friends so
desperately46 want. 也能幫你朋友找到他們想要的治愈方法
If they knew people had to die, 如果他們知道會有人因此死去
It doesn't matter if they die. 他們死不死不重要
Silas will bring them back. 塞拉斯會把他們救回來的
You're crazy. 你瘋了
I'm not crazy. 我沒瘋
You're full on crazy. 你絕對是瘋了
Do you remember our first session? 你還記得我們的第一階段嗎
It was about your grams, right? 那是關于你外婆的,對嗎
You thought every time you did magic you were causing her pain. 你認為自己每用一次魔法都會讓她痛苦
Aren't you curious what's happening to her now? 難道你不好奇她現(xiàn)在如何了嗎
Wouldn't you like to see her again? 難道你不想再見到她嗎
Don't you ever take a night off? 你就從來不休息一下嗎
I took two days off to help you out 我花了兩天時間幫你
at the lake house, remember? 就在在湖邊小屋,記得嗎
I almost got killed. 而我差點兒被殺死
Where's Jeremy? 杰里米在哪兒
He's in the back I think. 他應該在后面吧
Are you doing ok? 你還好嗎
Yeah. All things considered. 總地來說,還好
Damon. 達蒙
Are you all right? 你還好嗎
What's going on? 怎么回事
Damon, what is wrong with you? 達蒙,你怎么了
It was kol. 是科爾搞的鬼
He must have compelled me. 他肯定控制我了
If I find Jeremy, 要是我找到了杰里米
I might kill him. 我很可能會殺了他
Jeremy. 杰里米
Get out of here! 趕緊出來
Do you hear me? 你聽見我了嗎
Don't stop. 別停下
Kol compelled me. There's nothing I can do! 科爾把我控制了,我什么也做不了
You can't hide in here, Jer. 你在這里躲不了多久,杰里米
If I find you, you're dead. 要是我找到了你,你就死了
Jeremy, are you listening to me? 杰里米,你聽見我說的話嗎
You better run! 你最好趕緊跑
I am coming to kill you. 我可是來殺你的
You need to go now! 你現(xiàn)在趕緊離開這兒
All you have to do to make it stop 只要你告訴我是誰派你來的
is tell me who sent you. 就能不再受罪
You're full of vervain, 你體內(nèi)有馬鞭草
so I know you haven't been compelled. 我知道你不能被控制
Or maybe somebody compelled him 或者在他喝下之前,就有人
before he ingested it. 先控制了他
He was after the headstone. 他在找那個基石
We need to know who sent him. 我們得知道是誰指使他的
Ok. Fine. So we take him home, 好吧,那我們把他帶回去
wait till the vervain is out of his system, 等馬鞭草失效后再說
and then compel him and get whatever information we want. 然后控制他,讓他知無不言,言無不盡
That's not a bad idea. 這主意不錯
He just bit off his own tongue. 他咬掉了自己的舌頭
So he does know something. 看來他的確知道內(nèi)情
I guess he was compelled. 我想他之前應該被控制過
Was it my
bastard48 brother or yours? 是哪個混蛋哥哥干的,你的還是我的
Maybe it's option number 3. 也許另有其人
There's another team in the race. 又有人馬加入爭奪
You're saying if I help you 你是說,如果我?guī)湍銌拘奄惱?/div>
raise silas you can bring my grams back? 你就能讓我外婆復活嗎
Don't play on my
guilt49, Shane. 別想拿我的負罪感來?;?,肖恩
I'm not playing on anything. 我沒打算耍花樣
This is the truth. You told me what happened. 這是事實,是你告訴我發(fā)生了什么的
Your reckless use of magic is the reason... Don't. 你濫用魔法才是原因,閉嘴
Is the reason those spirits 那才是另一邊的靈魂們
are torturing her on the other side. Don't. 折磨她的原因,閉嘴
Hurting her again and again and again. 一遍又一遍的傷害她
I said don't! 我說了閉嘴
My hand! 我的手
You can't stop, can you? 你無法停止,對吧
All this power that you're feeling, 你感受到這些力量
you actually like it, don't you? 你其實很享受,對吧
Look at yourself, Bonnie. 好好看看你自己,邦妮
Look at yourself, bonnie. 看看你自己,邦妮
Bonnie, what are you doing? 邦妮,你在干什么
Get out. 給我滾
Get out of here. Bonnie, stop! 你滾開,邦妮,停下來
You can't reason with her, mayor. She's lost control. 你現(xiàn)在沒法跟她講道理,她失去控制了
Bonnie, baby, baby. Please. 邦妮,寶貝,寶貝,求你了
Do something! 想想辦法
Bonnie... 邦妮...
Bonnie, look at me! 邦妮,看著我
Now take a deep breath. 現(xiàn)在深呼吸
I'm right here with you. 我與你同在
You are in complete control. 你控制著一切
That's it. 這就對了
With my guidance... 在我的指引下
She'll be one of the most powerful witches in the world... 她會變成世界上最強的女巫
But without it... 但如果沒有幫助的話...
She's a time bomb. 她就是個定時炸彈
Hello, Elena. 你好啊,埃琳娜
What did you to Stefan? 你對斯特凡做了些什么
Rescued him from his old, dull life, 把他從無聊老舊的生活中解救出來
but it keeps calling. 但那舊人總是打電話來
Stefan's not in the mood to talk right now. 斯特凡現(xiàn)在沒心情說話
Then he can listen. 那他總可以聽吧
I know you might not care about me right now, Stefan, 我知道你現(xiàn)在不在乎我,斯特凡
But Kol compelled Damon to kill Jeremy. 但是科爾控制了達蒙讓他殺死杰里米
They're somewhere in the tunnels, and I 他們在地道某處,我...
It's one giant
maze51 down here, 這下面簡直是迷宮
and I can't find them, so if you still care about the cure 我根本找不到他們,所以如果你還在乎
or about Jeremy, then maybe you can come help. 治愈方法或是杰里米,也許你能來幫我
Ok. 好吧
That is an interesting predicament 這對我們來說
for both of us. 可真是個有趣的困境
Did you miss the part where I said I'm compelled? 你難道忘了我被控制了嗎
Don't stop! 別停
Seriously? 不是吧
You're being hunted by a vampire, 你現(xiàn)在正在被吸血鬼追殺
and now you're bleeding? 你還想流血誘敵嗎
Dumb move, Jer. 這招真蠢,杰里米
You can't fight me in closed quarters. 近身搏斗,你贏不了我
It was worth a shot. 但我有機會開槍
You're gonna have to shoot me, Jeremy, in the heart. 你得打死我,杰里米,正中心臟
I'm not gonna be able to stop myself. 我停不下來
Jeremy, you are a hunter. 杰里米,你是個獵人
You know what to do. 你知道該怎么辦
Do it. 動手
Do it! 快動手
He shot me in the head. 他打我的頭
Stupid idiot... 笨蛋
Borderline braindead
moron52! 整個一個腦死亡的傻帽
That was dumb,Jeremy. 笨到家了,杰里米
Should have killed me when you had the chance. 有機會的時候就該殺了我啊
Going somewhere? 要逃跑嗎
I would if I were you. 我要是你的話,就會那么做
If Damon kills the hunter, 如果達蒙殺了獵人
Nik will not be pleased. 尼克會不高興的
I told Nik I wouldn't touch the kid. 我跟尼克說過我不會動他的
I didn't. 我說到做到
That was clever. 這真夠明智
I'm sure he'll really appreciate it. 他肯定會很感激的
You'd really dagger me? 你真要用匕首封住我嗎
If I do, Damon's compulsion ends and this is all over. 封住你,達蒙就能擺脫控制,一切都會結束
And then you're no better than Niklaus. 你跟尼克勞斯的手段一樣惡毒
Daggering siblings when you disagree with them. 一旦和兄弟姐妹有分歧就用匕首
Look at what this family has become. 看看這家人都成什么樣了
I mean, Elijah won't even show his face, 以利亞甚至不愿回來
This cure has ruined us, 所謂的治愈方法還沒找到
and it hasn't even been found yet. 都已經(jīng)讓我們仇視彼此
Just imagine what would happen if it is. 真不敢想找到以后會怎么樣
This family was ruined long before we knew about the cure. 這個家在此之前早已四分五裂了
Kol! 科爾
I won't let you raise Silas. 我不會讓你放出塞拉斯
Enough of this foolishness. 別在這兒犯蠢了
Put it down, Kol. 放下匕首,科爾
He was going to kill me. 他差點殺了我
Well, then, I think you need a lesson 我得給你上一課
in how to properly dagger a
sibling32. 教你怎么正確的殺死始祖
Burn in hell. 你下地獄去吧
Damon, stop! 達蒙,住手
I know that you don't want to hurt Jeremy, 我知道你不想傷害杰里米
So please stop. 停下來吧
I can't. 我做不到
Yes, you can. 不,你可以
You're strong enough to resist the compulsion. 你有足夠的能力抵抗控制
I know that you are. 我知道你能
Why, because Stefan did? 為什么,因為斯特凡能做到嗎
Because I love you, because you love me. 因為我愛你,你也愛著我
You'd do anything for me, so please... 你會為我做任何事,求求你
Do this for me. 就算是為了我
I'm sorry, Elena. 對不起,埃琳娜
Damon! 達蒙
Jeremy. 杰里米
Shoot now. 開槍吧
Brother. Long time, no see. 老哥,好久不見啊
You're welcome. 不用謝
You lost a lot of blood. 你失血過多
So you bled me out? 你把我的血放光了
Yeah. I didn't really have much of a choice. 是的,我別無選擇
Kol's compulsion is still in effect, 科爾對你的控制依然奏效
So you need to stay locked up. 所以得把你關起來
We don't have any vervain, so... 我們沒馬鞭草了,所以...
this was the only way I could weaken you. 這是唯一讓你變虛弱的辦法
You sound real torn up about it. 聽起來你還挺絕望的
Shouldn't we be going after Kol, 我們是不是該去找科爾
make him decompel me. 讓他解除控制
Yeah, yeah, sure. That sounds easy enough, Damon. 沒錯,聽起來小菜一碟,達蒙
I'll get right on that. 我馬上去做
Please let me see Elena. 讓我見一下埃琳娜吧
Come on. You know you can't do that. 得了吧,你知道這是妄想
With the sire bond, all you have to do 她對你認祖歸忠,你叫她來
is tell her to let you out of here. 無非是要讓她放你出去
You're really enjoying this, aren't you? 折磨我你樂在其中,不是嗎
It's better for Elena if you stay in here for now, 在找到治愈方法之前你得待在這里
at least until we find the cure, 這樣對埃琳娜來說更好
and then once she's no longer sired 一旦她解除了認祖歸宗
and you're no longer compelled, 你也擺脫了控制
you can both do whatever the hell you want. 你們倆就纏綿到地老天荒吧
Stefan, wait. Stefan! 斯特凡,等等,斯特凡
Stef... 斯特凡...
Going to see Damon? 要去看達蒙嗎
I need to talk to him. 我要跟他談談
Well, you can't. He'll just ask you to let him out. 不行,他會借你逃出去
I won't let him out. 我不會放他出去
You won't have a choice. 你別無選擇
You're sired. 你對他認祖歸忠
That all? 還有事嗎
Stefan, what are you doing with Rebekah? 斯特凡,你怎么會和麗貝卡在一起
She tried to kill me. 她企圖殺死我
And this will be the second time that 這貌似是達蒙第二次
Damon tried to kill Jeremy. 企圖殺死杰里米了
So I guess nobody's perfect, right? 人無完人,不是嗎
Are you trying to punish me? 你是在懲罰我嗎
I don't know how many times I can apologize. 我不知道要怎樣你才能原諒我
I never asked you to. 我沒讓你道歉
You can do whatever you want, Elena. 你可以隨心所欲,埃琳娜
I really don't care. 我一點都不在乎
You're hurt. You're hurt, 你受傷了,你受了傷
and you're
acting56 out, Stefan. 還強裝不在乎,斯特凡
This isn't you. 這不像你
Sure it is. 這就是我
You've just never seen me like this. 你只是從來沒見過我這一面
You don't know what I look like 你不知道,在我不愛你時
when I'm not in love with you. 會是什么樣子
I'll let Damon know you stopped by. 我會轉告達蒙你來過
I owe you an apology. 我欠你一個道歉
You don't owe me anything. 你什么都不欠我
I'm not happy to be right. 我也不希望事情真是這樣
I'm gonna get you some help. 我會找人幫你的
Help? Dad, I'm ok. 幫我,爸,我沒事
Are you kidding me? 你開玩笑嗎
I got angry I admit, 我承認我生氣了
but I knew what I was doing. 但是我知道我在做什么
You lost control, and Shane said 你失控了,肖恩說
Didn't we just establish that we couldn't trust him? 剛剛不是證明了他不可信嗎
He's trying to get under your skin. 他只是想激怒你
The only thing that got under my skin is what I saw, 唯一激怒我的是我親眼所見的
which is my daughter using dangerous magic! 我女兒在使用危險的魔法
And the fact that you don't think you need help 而你還說你不需要幫助
means you need it even more. 正說明你需要得很
Good evening, Gilbert
clan57. 晚上好,吉爾伯特家族
What do you want, Klaus? 你想干什么,克勞斯
I've come to fetch my hunter. 我來找我的獵人
Seeing as how my brother's become a liability, 畢竟我弟弟現(xiàn)在開始妨礙我
Jeremy will be safer with me. 杰里米跟我在一起比較安全
I think I'll pass. 好意心領了
I've killed enough people for you today. 我今天為你殺的人夠多了
You think you're safer here? Hmm. 你覺得你在這里比較安全嗎
Clearly you don't know Kol. 顯然你不了解科爾
He'll stop at nothing to get what he wants, 他為達目的,不擇手段
so strange as it may seem, I'm your best bet. 雖然有點奇怪,但我是你最好的選擇
Sorry, but I think we'd rather take our chances. 抱歉,我們還是決定靠自己的力量
Fine, but when Kol does come 好吧,等科爾來的時候
and he will come 他一定會來
be sure to let me know, 最好在他把你們的小房子
preferably before he burns your nice little home to the ground. 燒成灰燼之前,一定要通知我
And as for you, hunter, 而你呢,獵人
there's no shortage of people to turn 我不缺人來轉化
and loved ones to threaten, so sleep well. 也不缺人來威脅,晚安
We'll plan on finishing our work tomorrow. 我們明天再繼續(xù)
Sure. Just
barge58 right in. 對,推門進來就好
Oh. I thought not knocking was our thing. 我們不是說好了不敲門嗎
You didn't dagger Kol. 你沒用匕首封住科爾
Well, the white oak stake
pointed59 at my heart 他拿白橡樹木樁指著我胸口
made things a little difficult. 不太好下手呢
I do believe my brother Kol has finally lost his mind. 我現(xiàn)在相信了,我哥哥科爾確實瘋了
That's all right. Jeremy's still alive, 沒關系,杰里米還活著
and I took care of Damon. 我解決了達蒙
So where'd you put it? 你放哪里了
The headstone? 那塊墓碑嗎
Someplace safe. 一個安全的地方
Wasn't really our deal. 我們之前可不是這么說的
Well, considering that you've betrayed me twice. 考慮到你背叛了我兩次
And I betrayed you never. 而我從沒背叛過你
I think I'm acting brilliantly, 我還是謹慎些比較好
especially since we have no idea why that guy was looking for it. 尤其是我們還不知道那人為什么找它
Did you work things out with Elena? 你跟埃琳娜還順利嗎
Do you care? 你在乎嗎
Nope, just trying to figure out why you're here. 當然不,只是想知道你來這干什么
You don't even have to ask. 根本不用問
None. 都沒有
This is never gonna end. 這事不會結束
If Kol doesn't kill me first, 如果科爾不先殺了我
then Klaus is just gonna force me to kill more innocent people. 克勞斯就會逼我殺更多無辜的人
How many is it gonna take, 要殺多少人
10, 100? 十個,百個
If you kill one original vampire, 如果殺死一個始祖吸血鬼
their entire sire line will die with them. 這個吸血鬼系列的宗族都會死
That's thousands, maybe tens of thousands of vampires. 會有上千個,甚至上萬個吸血鬼
Kol compelled Damon to kill you. 科爾控制達蒙殺你
You're gonna kill Kol instead. 你要反過來殺了他