Wagoner: I’m a big shareholder myself; I share the frustration. I’m confident that as the market psychology turns and assumes some of these issues are behind us, we’ll be well positioned. I talk to major investors regularly, and of course they would love to see a higher stock price. But they say, “Keep going and do the right stuff for the future.” So that’s what we are trying to do.
Reporter: What is your worst decision?
Wagoner: Axing the EV1 electric-car program and not putting the right resources into hybrids. It didn’t affect profitability, but it did affect image.
Reporter: What is the best thing?
Wagoner: Driving any car in the world you want. Plus you do things that are amazing, such as meeting world leaders like George Bush and Tony Blair. I've got pressures in this job—but it’s nothing compared with those guys.
Reporter: What is your strategy for turning around the company?
Wagoner: First, we're focused on product. I invite you to look at the next generation (sport) utility. The improvement is simply stunning. We need to keep that sort of pace going. Second of all, we obviously have to step back and re-look at how we’re going to market from a sales and marketing strategy. The third area is basically a frontal assault on all areas of cost to make sure we are driving to be the absolute most efficient manufacturer in the world. That’s hard because it’s meant significant capacity reductions and it means continuing to trim down workforces in the high cost countries, like the US and Germany. Fourth is the very challenging issue of addressing health care. We have really a breakthrough agreement with the UAW. It’s historic in its nature, but I would say it’s a very important first step to getting health care costs and particularly the legacy aspect of those under control. It’s a massive disadvantage, which we simply as an enterprise cannot carry and at the same time achieve the objectives that our shareholders have for us and invest in the future of our products. We' ve got a spotlight on that this year. We’ve also made some changes in our salary plan and we’re going to need to keep working on health care. If you carry a $5 or $6 billion bill that your best competitors don’t, that’s a heavy burden.