... a world without women would be deprived of at least five-tenths of what it knows to be "Pure," six-tenths of what it knows to be "Good," and seven-tenths of what it knows to be "Beautiful."
——冰心 《關于女人》
“ A beautiful woman is a practical poet, taming her savage mate, planting tenderness, hope, and eloquence, in all whom she approaches.
——愛默生 《論美》
“ Woman, in your laughter you have the music of the fountain of life.
——泰戈爾 《飛鳥集》
“ ... women, the tenderest and most fragile of all God's creatures, were the oftenest superior to sorrow, adversity, and distress; and ... it was because they bore, in their own hearts, an inexhaustible well-spring of affection and devotion.
——狄更斯 《匹克威克外傳》
“ Women are made to be loved, not understood.